Feeling down and out after March Break? Join the club.
After coming back from a week of school-free and structure-free living, I was hit with a slew of problems.
But, I have found a few ways to get back on my feet. Fast Company suggests one of the best ways to motivate is to seek a fresh perspective, letting go of negative emotions, speaking to someone about something positive, getting a small win, changing your physical space, and being grateful for the positives.
Take a read of this article and the inspiring story of female athlete Turia Pitt. She is not only incredible for what she has lived through but more importantly the way that she has chosen to see her life... getting to do things vs having to do things. I'm feeling a lot less ""gotta"" and a whole lot more grateful...and clear headed!
Links to articles:
Fast Company Article: https://www.fastcompany.com/90878983/a-psychologist-reveals-the-simple-phrase-to-get-motivated-to-do-things-you-dont-want-to-do
Turia Pitt's Story: https://www.turiapitt.com/my-story/