"I’ve always maintained that leadership is a muscle you have to exercise. It’s like going to the gym and working out a specific body area."
So today is The Leader’s Fitness Routine: Targeting our Delegation muscles.
Warm up with taking time for SELECTING THE RIGHT PERSON. Identifying the most suitable person for the task sets you up for success right out of the gate.
Match the skillset to the challenge and stretch their abilities.
First set: PROVIDING PROPER INSTRUCTION. clearly communicate the task requirements, outcomes, deadlines and specific questions. Avoid assumptions. Check by asking questions and having them talk through ideas to validate understanding.
Second set: I can’t stress this one enough as it’s core to your delegation routine — DELEGATE AUTHORITY — not just tasks. Empower your team by giving them the necessary authority and autonomy.
Workout Tip: OFFER SUPPORT and resources. Be accessible, offer assistance, and provide guidance. Lead by example.
Alright, now let’s CHECK-IN. It’s milestone time. Track progress. Follow-up. Provide feedback, and address concerns.
Oh, another tip: DON’T MICROMANAGE. Let the team learn, develop new skills, and stretch their abilities. They may make a mistake, so use it as a learning opportunity. These are muscles and skills we’re building. Nobody is perfect.
Finally, The Cool Down. RECOGNIZE and APPRECIATE. Acknowledge the effort, learning and outcomes. Analyze any challenges. Provide feedback to recognize your team’s contributions.
It’s your job to lead and motivate - when we focus on these things, it allows great results to happen for others.